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What is Artificial Intelligence: 5 Definitions To Help You Understand the Science

Jul 05, 2023

Did you know that 6 out of 10 humans with basic access to technology are unable to define, "what is Artificial Intelligence?"

Artificial Intelligence is the most sought-after and read-about topic in the world. According to our in-house research, based on third-party keyword search tools, you will find 62,30,00,000 results on Google Search. In a recent report, together with Machine Learning, Neural Networks, NLP and chatbot engineering, AI is among the best-paid skills in the current job market. However, 6 out of 10 humans with basic access to technology are unable to define, "what is Artificial Intelligence?"

In this article, we bring you a list of industry-recognized definitions that will leave you in no doubt about "What is Artificial Intelligence?"

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Gartner defines Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the application of "advanced analysis and logic-based techniques, including machine learning, to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions."

Stanford University says, AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.

According to The Encyclopaedia Britannica, AI is defined as the ability of a computer-based program or an automated robot to perform tasks associated with intelligent beings with minimum or zero human supervision.

Another definition or a corollary to "what is Artificial Intelligence?" could be derived from this MIT article, which said,

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Artificial Intelligence is "no longer a passive thing controlled by human beings. It has agency, the ability to make autonomous choices, and it can adapt based on its own experiences independent of its design."

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According to Deloitte, "AI refers to a broad field of science encompassing not only computer science but also psychology, philosophy, linguistics and other areas."

In this article, you can verify how AI is not just about making machines to work, but also attaching a certain degree to reinforcement training and motion control to them.

Based on a research report that explored how AI works, I felt this could be the most-contemporary definition to "what is Artificial Intelligence?"

Artificial Intelligence is a set of instructions and actions taken by a rational agent based on perception, cognitive intelligence, logic and human-fed programs to perform and complete a task to achieve goals in the state of real-world dynamics or in the state of hypothetical transitions between two tasks using qualified set of Big Data and other intelligent analytics.

In the modern business scenario, AI for marketing and sales has grown into a separate stack of its own, enabling CMOs to make better decisions and focus on. With better management and analysis of Big and Unstructured data, together with human-level supervision and machine-level computing, we expect to see the basic definition of AI evolving with time and scale of applications.

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What is Artificial Intelligence? Read Also: Artificial Intelligence is "no longer a passive thing controlled by human beings. It has agency, the ability to make autonomous choices, and it can adapt based on its own experiences independent of its design." Recommended: Read Also: