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People are just realizing Wi

Oct 25, 2023

ALTHOUGH Americans rely largely on technology in this digital age, some are just learning the numerous things that can interfere with Wi-Fi.

Nearly 90 percent of people that live in the U.S. reportedly use the internet for more than six hours every day, but there are little-known ways to make sure you get the most out of your Wi-Fi connection.

With over two hours being spent on both social media networks and streaming videos, according to a report by All Connect, 85 percent of the nation's citizens spend six hours and 58 minutes online.

Wireless internet is convenient for homes and businesses, as cords and wires can get tangled and constricting.

However, Charter Communication's Spectrum has revealed that Wi-Fi isn't always great for everything.

There are benefits to using ethernet cables to connect stationary computers to the world wide web and making a clear path for your Wi-Fi as well, Spectrum reported.

For the best possible Wi-Fi usage, it's better not to have any large structures blocking the flow of connection.

"As a user, you’ll always get the best connection and internet experience if you have a hard wire," Devaki Parma, senior manager for SMB Internet Solutions at Charter Communications stated.

While running an ethernet cable from a broadband router to a computer or other device can make for a fast and uninterrupted internet surfing experience, most are accustomed to using Wi-Fi.

Parma advises that internet users give their tech hardware a break regularly, allowing the device to go through a process known as a hard reboot.

The hard reboot requires that no power flows into the unit for a few moments.

Many tech devices have batteries to avoid interruption of service which should be removed if accessible.

"A lot of people don't think to reset their modem and router," Parma said.

"You simply turn your devices off and turn them back on. That eliminates 'digital clutter' and allows the devices to perform at a more optimized level," Parma added.

In optimizing your wireless service, she says there are three physical aspects to consider.

Wi-Fi is a radio wave that moves effortlessly through open spaces, but the connection can be interrupted or stopped by physical obstacles like walls and doors.

Buildings with metal mesh, pipes, or wires in the walls are likely to run into this problem if they're using a wireless internet connection.

As large objects can mess with the Wi-Fi signal, another factor many may not consider in larger buildings is that the connection becomes weaker as the distance from the router increases.

It may not be the most popular decision for aesthetics, but Parma declares that you will get the best wireless service throughout a space if the router is in a central location.

She also advised keeping the router raised on an elevated surface in a main area for the best Wi-Fi signal flow.

As objects can negatively impact your Wi-Fi, having the router lifted helps the waves run over obstructing entities.

Parma recommends that Americans who are often online keep their router away from other tech, electronics and appliances that can interfere with Wi-Fi.

Devices that could be ruining your Wi-Fi include microwave ovens and devices using Bluetooth connections.

The Wi-Fi communications specialist also said to keep routers away from security cameras and older cordless telephone systems.